We Also Have Right, and It isn't Wrong

Dan postingan ini terlahir dari sebuah tweet kecil @shitlicious yang mengatakan :
"Musuh utama pria yang ingin serius menikahi wanita adalah orientasi masa depan wanitanya"

Oh, my...

Don't be too naive.
Me, as a woman. I go to school, I learn a lot, I do much, I dream big, I take all my effort to complete my own dreams about future. 
I want a big house, I want go to saloon every weekend, I wanna have sound system in my bathroom, I want a library in my house, I want a family holiday every years, I want a great job, I want my kids have a good education, I want more and more.

Is it wrong to have so many good future orientation?

Man, That's why I go to school and take all this way.

I want to complete my own future dreams.
Are you afraid about my dream?

Don't be stupid. I never ask you to complete it all. 
As a woman, we ALSO HAVE RIGHT to have dream big, we also have strength as you have.
We need you not to complete our whole future dreams, we need you to complete our life, to stay with us while we're catching our dream. You can choose just staying or holding our dreams together.

But one thing you should realize.
We are not all the same

You can choose three types woman :
1. The one who don't have dream at all.

You can bring her where ever you are. She will say yes every time. You will never find  fight with her. And she will says calmly and sweetly "whatever you want, honey" for everything you do. (maybe)

2. The one who have a big dream about future but don't do anything with herself.

 The one who ask you to completed it all. They want you to stay with her because you are the only reason and the only one way to catch their own dream. The one who will ask you hardly to give their dream.

3. The one who has a big big future dream. 

You will get her stay on her effort. You will have no time to complain about what they do. All the things she do, it's all to complete her dreams about future. But, totally she is still woman. She still needs a shoulder when she doesn't feel alright and needs to cry. She is the one who ask you completed one  of her future dreams, because you are one of her dream.



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